OURBLOG How Does Alloy Wheel Straightening Work? January 17, 2022 If you've struck a curb or a pothole and scuffed your alloy wheel, don't worry; alloy wheel refurbishment is a… Have you ever wanted to try something new on your wheels January 13, 2022 Smart Refurbs offers an alloy wheel colour changing service that can entirely change the appearance of your rims. Rather of… 10 TYPICAL BLUNDERS MADE WHILE DETALING YOUR CAR January 9, 2022 It's never been easier to detail your automobile at home while still obtaining professional results. Today's automobile detailing solutions, from… What should you do if your alloy wheels have been damaged? January 6, 2022 It might be aggravating to invest in stylish alloy wheels only to have them scuffed and cracked later on, but… Points to note while Machine Polishing your vehicle January 1, 2022 Car buffers of high grade are designed to remove tiny imperfections in the paint's exterior. This is a tiny level… Cleaning Leather Car Seats: Dos and Don’ts December 27, 2021 A soft leather-appointed inside is one of the first things most people notice when they get into a car. When… Mobile Smart Repairs by Smart Refurbs! December 19, 2021 Mobile smash repairs, performed by mobile panel beaters, are a quick and inexpensive way to repair dented, scratched, or paint-damaged… How alloy wheels are changing the game December 12, 2021 When it comes to ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride, the two primary aspects that we constantly consider are performance… Repairing alloy wheels at Smart Repairs December 5, 2021 Your aluminium wheels may be fixed by a professional if they have been damaged and are beginning to look tatty.… How Vehicle Detailing is the Best Way to Keep Your Car in Top Condition November 27, 2021 Personal automobiles are frequently regarded as extensions of their owners' personalities. A lot depends on the owner's automobile care, not… Get the expert advice before starting your car polishing November 20, 2021 If you own a car, you may be familiar with car polishing and its significance. It is the most well-known… Driving With A Dented Bumper? Reach Out To The Professionals At Smart Refurbs!! November 14, 2021 After an accident, bumper damage is one of the most typical automobile repairs. Depending on the severity of the hit,… How are the interiors and exteriors of your vehicle treated at Smart Refurbs? November 6, 2021 A few cosmetic touch-ups here and there to restore your automobile's paintwork are part of car detailing. The goal of… Are you thinking about having the interior of your vehicle detailed? Here’s what Smart Refurbs’ professionals can accomplish! October 31, 2021 Smart Refurbs has established itself as the region's leading provider of full-service vehicle accessory detailing services. We offer fantastic choices,… Changing the color of your alloy wheel can improve the appearance. October 24, 2021 If you've already decided on a car, keep in mind that you can always improve or modify the look of… What are the benefits of having your alloy wheels refurbed at Smart Refurbs? October 17, 2021 The tyre is held in place by the rim, which is the outside portion of the wheel. Rim damage can… Why get your alloy wheels refurbed at Smart Refurbs May 1, 2021 Rim is the outer part of the wheel that holds the tire. Rim damage occurs when driving with flat tires,… Ever fancied something different on your wheels? May 5, 2021 Smart Refurbs provides an alloy wheel colour change service which can completely transform the look of your rims. Rather than… Why choose Smart Refurbs accessories detailing? May 8, 2021 Smart Refurbs has become the premier source for full-service auto accessory detailing services for car lovers across the region. Offering… Dents and scratches are unsightly and can deplete the value of your vehicle. May 12, 2021 Car scratches are really frustrating for a car enthusiast like us. Means nobody who loves his/her car can tolerate it… 1 2 3 Recent Posts How Does Alloy Wheel Straightening Work? January 17, 2022 Have you ever wanted to try something new on your wheels January 13, 2022 10 TYPICAL BLUNDERS MADE WHILE DETALING YOUR CAR January 9, 2022 What should you do if your alloy wheels have been damaged? January 6, 2022 Points to note while Machine Polishing your vehicle January 1, 2022 Categories Accessory Detailing Alloy wheels refurbs Car Dent Car Detailing Car Paint Car Polishing Car Wash Interior Detailing Machine Polishing Polishing Rim Repairs Scratch & bodywork repairs Smart Repair Uncategorized